Welcome to the Family Portal
You can use the family portal to:
- Check if you are eligible for 15 hours free childcare for your two year old
- Apply for school places for children of any age and school nursery places
If you have previously applied for two year old funding or school places, you can log in using the same email and password. The same registration works for all activities in the family portal. If you cannot remember your password click on the forgotten password link. If you don't already have an account simply register using the "Don't have an Account" register link.
If you have any problems logging in or using the Family Portal please contact us, take care to use the correct contact for the type of application you are making:
For School Admissions applications including school nursery places email : school.admissions@salford.gov.uk
or if your application is related to Two Year Funding free childcare places then contact us on the details below:
email slw@salford.gov.uk
Regards Family Portal Administrator